1 Cartaz Rallye Serras de Fafe 300x400

Nos próximos dias 22 e 23 de Fevereiro irá para a estrada a 32ª edição Rallye Serras de Fafe.

A edição deste ano tem como novidade a internacionalização do rali, uma vez que o mesmo conta para o Troféu Europeu de Ralis e Troféu Ibérico de Ralis.

A nivel nacional, a edição deste ano, encontra-se inserida no Campeonato de Portugal de Ralis e Campeonato Norte de Ralis. Temos ainda a diputa do Peugeot Rally Cup.

No primeiro dia de prova, os concorrentes efetuarão 2 passagens pelos troço de Luilhas seguindo-se 2 passagens noturnas pelas ruas do centro da cidade de Fafe, PEC 3A e 3B.

No sábado os concorrentes sairão para a estrada para percorrerem os derradeiros quilómetros, com 2 passagens pelos troços de Ruivães, São Pedro e Aboim/Rio Vizela da parte da manhã e 2 passagens pelos troços de Montim e Lameirinha da parte da tarde.







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Fotos 2019

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explore subfolder image 0-Cartaz
An image file 1-Cartaz Rallye Serras de Fafe 300x400Download Preceding File Preview the file 279.27 KB 2019-01-28 20:44:57
An image file 2-Cartaz Rallye Serras de Fafe 3508x4961Download Preceding File Preview the file 19.17 MB 2019-01-28 20:45:01
explore subfolder image 1- Programa, mapas e acessos às Zonas Espetáculo (ZE)
explore subfolder image PEC_SS
An Adobe Acrobat file SS1_SS2-LuilhasDownload Preceding File Preview the file 280.52 KB 2019-02-05 21:26:39
An Adobe Acrobat file SS3A_SS3B-FafeStreetDownload Preceding File Preview the file 306.08 KB 2019-02-05 21:26:39
An Adobe Acrobat file SS4_SS7-RuivãesDownload Preceding File Preview the file 284.69 KB 2019-02-05 21:26:39
An Adobe Acrobat file SS5_SS8-S.PedroDownload Preceding File Preview the file 284.97 KB 2019-02-05 21:26:39
An Adobe Acrobat file SS6_SS9-Aboim.RioVizelaDownload Preceding File Preview the file 269.09 KB 2019-02-05 21:26:39
An Adobe Acrobat file SS10_SS12-MontimDownload Preceding File Preview the file 274.73 KB 2019-02-05 21:26:39
An Adobe Acrobat file SS11_SS13-LameirinhaDownload Preceding File Preview the file 302.74 KB 2019-02-05 21:26:39
An Adobe Acrobat file ShakedownDownload Preceding File Preview the file 256.29 KB 2019-02-05 21:26:39
explore subfolder image Zonas Espetáculo
An Adobe Acrobat file SS1_SS2-Luilhas_ZEDownload Preceding File Preview the file 288.83 KB 2019-02-05 21:19:06
An Adobe Acrobat file SS4_SS7-Ruivães_ZEDownload Preceding File Preview the file 295 KB 2019-02-05 21:19:07
An Adobe Acrobat file SS5_SS8-S.Pedro_ZEDownload Preceding File Preview the file 288.33 KB 2019-02-05 21:19:07
An Adobe Acrobat file SS6_SS9-Aboim.RioVizela_ZEDownload Preceding File Preview the file 275.97 KB 2019-02-05 21:19:07
An Adobe Acrobat file SS10_SS12-Montim_ZEDownload Preceding File Preview the file 282.08 KB 2019-02-05 21:19:07
An Adobe Acrobat file SS11_SS13-Lameirinha_ZEDownload Preceding File Preview the file 313.33 KB 2019-02-05 21:19:07
An Adobe Acrobat file Shakedown_ZEDownload Preceding File Preview the file 265.46 KB 2019-02-05 21:19:06
An Adobe Acrobat file 1-Mapa GeralDownload Preceding File Preview the file 577.63 KB 2019-02-05 21:26:00
An Adobe Acrobat file 2-Mapa 1ª Etapa - Secção 1,2 e 3Download Preceding File Preview the file 502.66 KB 2019-02-05 21:26:00
An Adobe Acrobat file 3-Mapa 2ª Etapa - Secção 4 e 5Download Preceding File Preview the file 503.9 KB 2019-02-05 21:26:00
An Adobe Acrobat file 4-Mapa 2ª Etapa - Secção 6 e 7Download Preceding File Preview the file 465.48 KB 2019-02-05 21:26:00
explore subfolder image 2- Roadbook, Ficha de Inscrição, Regulamento da Prova e Aditamentos
An Adobe Acrobat file 1-Supplementary RegulationsDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.06 MB 2019-02-16 19:46:24
An Adobe Acrobat file 2- Appendix 1Download Preceding File Preview the file 282.41 KB 2019-02-16 19:46:24
An Adobe Acrobat file 3-Appendix 2 to 13Download Preceding File Preview the file 818.84 KB 2019-02-16 19:46:24
An Adobe Acrobat file 4-Regulamento Rallye Serras de Fafe CPR Download Preceding File Preview the file 913.17 KB 2019-02-16 19:46:24
An Adobe Acrobat file 5-Anexo 1 Rallye Serras de FafeDownload Preceding File Preview the file 277.35 KB 2019-02-16 19:46:24
An Adobe Acrobat file 6-Anexos 2 a 13 Rallye Serras de FafeDownload Preceding File Preview the file 759.01 KB 2019-02-16 19:46:24
An Adobe Acrobat file 7-Regulamento Rallye Serras de Fafe CNRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 652.67 KB 2019-02-16 19:46:24
An Adobe Acrobat file 8-Mapa de Controles Rallye Serras de Fafe CNRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 209.03 KB 2019-02-16 19:46:24
An Adobe Acrobat file 9-Entry procedure instructions for foreign competitorsDownload Preceding File Preview the file 855.99 KB 2019-01-30 13:36:51
An Adobe Acrobat file 10-ROADBOOK RALLYE SERRAS DE FAFE 2019-CPR_A5Download Preceding File Preview the file 30.39 MB 2019-02-14 21:15:32
An Adobe Acrobat file 11-ROADBOOK RALLYE SERRAS DE FAFE 2019-CNR_A5Download Preceding File Preview the file 19.89 MB 2019-02-14 21:21:32
An Adobe Acrobat file 12-Rally Guide 1_A5Download Preceding File Preview the file 2.61 MB 2019-02-16 19:44:28
An Adobe Acrobat file 13-BULLETIN 1 ERT_IRT_CPRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 279.38 KB 2019-02-20 08:42:33
An Adobe Acrobat file 14-BULLETIN 1 ERT_IRT_CPR - APPENDIX 1Download Preceding File Preview the file 323.34 KB 2019-02-20 08:42:33
An Adobe Acrobat file 15-BULLETIN 1 ERT_IRT_CPR - APPENDIX 14Download Preceding File Preview the file 526.32 KB 2019-02-20 08:42:34
An Adobe Acrobat file 16-ADITAMENTO 1 CPRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 279.66 KB 2019-02-20 08:42:33
An Adobe Acrobat file 17-ADITAMENTO 1 CPR - ANEXO 1Download Preceding File Preview the file 379.54 KB 2019-02-20 08:42:34
An Adobe Acrobat file 18-ADITAMENTO 1 CPR - ANEXO 14Download Preceding File Preview the file 527.67 KB 2019-02-20 08:42:34
An Adobe Acrobat file 19-ADITAMETNO 1 CNRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 559.97 KB 2019-02-20 08:42:34
An Adobe Acrobat file 20-ADITAMETNO 1 CNR - ANEXO 1Download Preceding File Preview the file 225.1 KB 2019-02-20 08:42:34
explore subfolder image 3- Listas de inscritos e admitidos à partida
An Adobe Acrobat file 1-Lista de Inscritos ERT_IRT_CPR_PRCIDownload Preceding File Preview the file 400.06 KB 2019-02-20 08:43:01
An Adobe Acrobat file 2-Lista de pilotos para QualifyingDownload Preceding File Preview the file 63.54 KB 2019-02-20 08:43:01
An Adobe Acrobat file 3-Lista de Inscritos CNRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 319.17 KB 2019-02-20 08:43:01
An Adobe Acrobat file 4-Lista de admitidos à partida ERT_IRT_CPR_PRCIDownload Preceding File Preview the file 125.68 KB 2019-02-22 17:25:01
An Adobe Acrobat file 5-Lista de admitidos à partida CNRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 104.28 KB 2019-02-22 17:24:37
explore subfolder image 4- Horários de partida
An Adobe Acrobat file 1-ORDEM PARTIDA QualifyingDownload Preceding File Preview the file 794.03 KB 2019-02-22 08:00:55
An Adobe Acrobat file 2-Hora de Partida 1ª Etapa ERT_CPRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 109.67 KB 2019-02-22 15:42:17
An Adobe Acrobat file 3-Hora de Partida 1ª Etapa CNRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 97.28 KB 2019-02-22 15:42:17
An Adobe Acrobat file 4-ERT_CPR_Start_LEG_4Download Preceding File Preview the file 109.6 KB 2019-02-23 01:45:59
explore subfolder image 5- Classificações, desistências e penalizações
explore subfolder image 1-ERT_IRT_CPR_CPRI
An Adobe Acrobat file 1-ERT-CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 1Download Preceding File Preview the file 226.3 KB 2019-02-22 18:24:36
An Adobe Acrobat file 2-ERT-CPR - Overall - SS 2Download Preceding File Preview the file 226.25 KB 2019-02-22 19:08:05
An Adobe Acrobat file 3-ERT-CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 2Download Preceding File Preview the file 226.33 KB 2019-02-22 19:08:05
An Adobe Acrobat file 4-ERT-CPR - Overall - SS 3ADownload Preceding File Preview the file 226.2 KB 2019-02-23 14:02:48
An Adobe Acrobat file 5-ERT-CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 3ADownload Preceding File Preview the file 226.41 KB 2019-02-23 14:02:48
An Adobe Acrobat file 6-ERT-CPR - Overall - SS 4Download Preceding File Preview the file 226.04 KB 2019-02-23 14:02:48
An Adobe Acrobat file 7-ERT-CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 4Download Preceding File Preview the file 226.19 KB 2019-02-23 14:02:49
An Adobe Acrobat file 8-ERT-CPR - Overall - SS 5Download Preceding File Preview the file 226.02 KB 2019-02-23 14:02:49
An Adobe Acrobat file 9-ERT-CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 5Download Preceding File Preview the file 226.16 KB 2019-02-23 14:02:49
An Adobe Acrobat file 10-ERT-CPR - Overall - SS 6Download Preceding File Preview the file 224.31 KB 2019-02-25 21:34:17
An Adobe Acrobat file 11-ERT-CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 6Download Preceding File Preview the file 224.48 KB 2019-02-25 21:32:19
An Adobe Acrobat file 12-ERT-CPR - Overall - SS 7Download Preceding File Preview the file 223.26 KB 2019-02-25 21:33:40
An Adobe Acrobat file 13-ERT-CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 7Download Preceding File Preview the file 223.47 KB 2019-02-25 21:32:27
An Adobe Acrobat file 14-ERT-CPR - Overall - SS 8Download Preceding File Preview the file 222.88 KB 2019-02-25 21:34:20
An Adobe Acrobat file 15-ERT-CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 8Download Preceding File Preview the file 223.05 KB 2019-02-25 21:32:27
An Adobe Acrobat file 16-ERT-CPR - Overall - SS 9Download Preceding File Preview the file 222.43 KB 2019-02-25 21:34:19
An Adobe Acrobat file 17-ERT-CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 9Download Preceding File Preview the file 222.65 KB 2019-02-25 21:32:27
An Adobe Acrobat file 18-ERT-CPR - Overall - SS 10Download Preceding File Preview the file 221.93 KB 2019-02-25 21:34:19
An Adobe Acrobat file 19-ERT-CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 10Download Preceding File Preview the file 222.2 KB 2019-02-25 21:32:27
An Adobe Acrobat file 20-ERT-CPR - Overall - SS 11Download Preceding File Preview the file 221.77 KB 2019-02-25 21:34:19
An Adobe Acrobat file 21-ERT-CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 11Download Preceding File Preview the file 222.01 KB 2019-02-25 21:32:27
An Adobe Acrobat file 22-ERT-CPR - Overall - SS 12Download Preceding File Preview the file 221.55 KB 2019-02-25 21:34:19
An Adobe Acrobat file 23-ERT-CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 12Download Preceding File Preview the file 221.78 KB 2019-02-25 21:32:28
An Adobe Acrobat file 24-ERT-CPR - Overall - SS 13Download Preceding File Preview the file 221.37 KB 2019-02-25 21:34:20
An Adobe Acrobat file 25-ERT-CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 13Download Preceding File Preview the file 221.55 KB 2019-02-25 21:32:28
An Adobe Acrobat file 26-ERT_CPR_Final_OficialDownload Preceding File Preview the file 120.27 KB 2019-02-25 21:36:39
explore subfolder image 2-CNR
An Adobe Acrobat file 1-CNR - Geral - SS 3ADownload Preceding File Preview the file 202.46 KB 2019-02-22 22:10:20
An Adobe Acrobat file 2-CNR - Geral - AFTER SS 3ADownload Preceding File Preview the file 202.48 KB 2019-02-22 22:10:20
An Adobe Acrobat file 3-CNR - Geral - SS 9Download Preceding File Preview the file 202.1 KB 2019-02-25 21:34:42
An Adobe Acrobat file 4-CNR - Geral - AFTER SS 9Download Preceding File Preview the file 202.13 KB 2019-02-25 21:34:42
An Adobe Acrobat file 5-CNR - Geral - SS 10Download Preceding File Preview the file 201.46 KB 2019-02-25 21:34:43
An Adobe Acrobat file 6-CNR - Geral - AFTER SS 10Download Preceding File Preview the file 201.49 KB 2019-02-25 21:34:42
An Adobe Acrobat file 7-CNR - Geral - SS 11Download Preceding File Preview the file 200.98 KB 2019-02-25 21:34:43
An Adobe Acrobat file 8-CNR - Geral - AFTER SS 11Download Preceding File Preview the file 201.01 KB 2019-02-25 21:34:42
An Adobe Acrobat file 9-CNR - Geral - SS 12Download Preceding File Preview the file 199.03 KB 2019-02-25 21:34:43
An Adobe Acrobat file 10-CNR - Geral - AFTER SS 12Download Preceding File Preview the file 199.05 KB 2019-02-25 21:34:42
An Adobe Acrobat file 11-CNR - Geral - SS 13Download Preceding File Preview the file 200.58 KB 2019-02-25 21:34:43
An Adobe Acrobat file 12-CNR - Geral - AFTER SS 13Download Preceding File Preview the file 200.61 KB 2019-02-25 21:34:42
An Adobe Acrobat file 14-CNR_Final_OficialDownload Preceding File Preview the file 103.74 KB 2019-02-25 21:34:43
An Adobe Acrobat file Tempos QualifyingDownload Preceding File Preview the file 278.52 KB 2019-02-22 15:52:17
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